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 - Windows 10 installeren zonder microsoft account free download

This is especially so for users jumping to Windows 10 from Windows 7, where you could easily set up and sign in normally without a Microsoft account. Microsoft wants to create a seamless experience so that you have some of the same features across your devices. Plus, it syncs your settings with your Microsoft account, such as your PC theme and stored passwords. Thankfully though, there are a few ways you can set up Windows 10 without a Microsoft account, which we share in this guide.

A local account is the classic way most people sign into their computers. This is where you click on your user account, enter a password, and start using the computer. The good thing about using a local account is that you can use it to download and install free games and apps from windows 10 installeren zonder microsoft account free download Windows Store without using a Microsoft account, and use system applications like Mail and Calendar.

You can also download paid apps with a Microsoft account and access all Windows 10 features. The idea behind the policy on local accounts in Windows 10 is to find a balance between Microsoft accounts and user expectations, while still offering as many features to local account users as possible.

You can still use the local account on your Windows 10 computer, and then use the Microsoft account to download and install apps windows 10 installeren zonder microsoft account free download Windows Store.

Other perks of using a Microsoft account with Windows 10 include free cloud storage through OneDrive, syncing account settings such as network profiles, managing passwords and Windows Store app settings, and a familiar experience across apps windows 10 installeren zonder microsoft account free download devices.

Windows 10 tries to make sure you use a Microsoft account, but you can create a local account anyway using the steps below. Create a Microsoft account during the setup process and then change it to a local user account later. Once you have your local account, you can delete the dummy Microsoft account from the system.

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    To install Office, try signing in directly to the Microsoft Software page instead. Select the language and bit-version you want (PC users can choose between bit and bit), and then click Install. See Steps 2 and 3 on the PC or Mac tabs above to help you with the rest of the install process. Notes.

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    To install Office, try signing in directly to the Microsoft Software page instead. Select the language and bit-version you want (PC users can choose between bit and bit), and then click Install. See Steps 2 and 3 on the PC or Mac tabs above to help you with the rest of the install process. Notes.

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